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Distilled insights, analysis and commentary at the nexus of AR/VR, AI & Technology Culture. Recommended reading for the creative technologist in any field.

I live and breathe creative technology

I'm Bilawal Sidhu and i’ve always loved building bridges.

👨🏽‍💻 By day I'm a Sr. Product Manager @ Google building immersive 3D experiences to help you explore and get stuff done in the real world 📍

👨🏽‍🎨 By night I'm Billyfx@ a 3D/VFX Creator on YouTube (300K+) & TikTok (900K+) where I blend reality and imagination with the art & science of visual effects✨

I’ve always enjoyed building bridges — through mixing my product & creator senses, I discovered the joy of teaching and sharing my process creating with 3D, XR and AI art 🔮

This publication takes my best insights and analysis at the intersection of technology, creativity, culture and makes them broadly available.

This publication is free, but if you find this content helpful, you’re welcome to pledge a dollar amount.

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Subscribe to Spatial Intelligence

🧠 Connecting bits & atoms | 🪄Blending reality & imagination Distilled insights & analysis on spatial computing & AI 🚀 Ex-Google AR/VR & 3D Maps PM 🎥 1.4M+ subs, 445M+ views


AI Creator (1.3M+) Venture Scout (A16z Games) Ex-Google (AR/VR & 3D Maps)